Monday, October 18, 2010

How One Teen Remembered Allah and Turned her Life Around

As most people do, I turned to Allah and Islam during the hard times of my life. It's a sad fact of life. When times are happy and life is good, no one feels obliged to turn towards his or her Deen (religion). It's all about living the moment.
After I had turned towards Allah, I approached a friend in a very casual manner, trying to encourage her to also turn towards Islam. Her reply chilled my blood. "Right now, my life is good, I'm happy and I don't need any change."

I thought to myself, better bite your tongue. I wanted to shake her and say, "Would you really want some tragic event to happen before waking up to Islam?" Obviously no one in his or her right mind would want to do so, but subconsciously, I feel everyone does.

I was no exception to that. I was on the brink of depression, as a result of a series of events that happened. Now looking back at it, it wasn't much, but being a teenager who had lost her sense of identity and purpose in life, it was the monster of all crises.

I had been separated from my best friends, snatched up away from my life and replaced in a place I had once called home. It was hard, and I was suffering. I used to find comfort, lying awake at night and staring at the stars, amazed at the fact that these were the same stars I stared at when I lived on the other side of the world.

My family, Alhamdulillah (All Praise be to Allah), had all changed towards Islam in the past years. No one forced me to wear Hijab, and I didn't simply because I thought I wasn't ready. They did, however, expect me to dress modestly and most importantly offer my daily prayers.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Be a Creative Teens

Setiap orang tentunya ingin menjadi remaja yang cerdas dan kreatif. Untuk itu banyak sekali cara yang mereka lakukan agar dapat berkreasi, agar dapat mengembangkan bakat yang dimiliki. Karena kreatif dan cerdas adalah modal utama bagi seorang remaja untuk meraih masa depannya.
Sebanyak itu remaja yang ingin cerdas dan kreatif maka, sebanyak itulah ternyata remaja yang tidak mau mengembangkan bakat yang mereka miliki dan mengasah potensi diri mereka. Banyak sekali alasan yang mereka tuturkan. lantas apa faktor yang menyebabkan kurangnya minat generasi muda khususnya remaja untuk mengembangkan bakatnya.
Pertama kebanyakan dari mereka sebelum memulai pekerjaan sudah bilang nggak bisa. kata-kata inilah yang sering terlontar dari mulut remaja ketika akan memulai suatu pekerjaan. Mereka seringkali tidak percaya dengan kemampuan yang mereka miliki dengan kata lain mereka kurang percaya diri. Inilah yang dinamakan dengan kalah sebelum berperang. seperti inikah mental generasi muda kita?.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Remaja Muslim Pacaran ?

وَلاَ تَقْرَبُواْ الزِّنَى إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاء سَبِيلاً
Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan sesuatu jalan yang buruk.” (QS. Al-Isra [17] : 32).
Apa saja perbuatan yang tergolong MENDEKATI ZINA itu? Diantaranya adalah: saling memandang, merajuk/manja, bersentuhan (berpegangan tangan, berpelukan, berciuman, dll), berdua-duaan, dll. Karena unsur-unsur ini dilarang dalam agama Islam, maka tentu saja hal-hal yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur tersebut adalah di larang. Hal ini sebagaimana telah disebutkan dalam hadits berikut:
Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a. dikatakan : Tidak ada yang kuperhitungkan lebih menjelaskan tentang dosa-dosa kecil daripada hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Allah telah menentukan bagi anak Adam bagiannya dari zina yang pasti dia lakukan. Zinanya mata adalah melihat (dengan syahwat), zinanya lidah adalah mengucapkan (dengan syahwat), zinanya hati adalah mengharap dan menginginkan [pemenuhan nafsu syahwat], maka farji (kemaluan) yang membenarkan atau mendustakannya…” (HR Bukhari & Muslim)
Dalil di atas kemudian juga diperkuat lagi oleh beberapa hadits dan ayat Al Quran berikut:
“Janganlah seorang laki-laki berdua-duaan dengan wanita kecuali bersama mahramnya.” (Bukhori dan Muslim)

Lets become a Positive Thinker

The best and quickest way to improve your life is simple: just think more positively. You've probably heard this many times before. And you're probably thinking, "That's a great idea, but in the real world it's much easier said than done." That's true; like a lot of things in life, becoming a "positive" person is an idea that is simple but not necessarily easy. The goal of this brief article is to give you a few simple and practical techniques that will help you make positive thinking an automatic and permanent part of your life.
Your thought patterns have a huge influence over every aspect of your life. Your thoughts determine your personality, the quality of your relationships, your financial success, your physical health, and much more. You probably have an idea of the power of your thoughts. The fact that you're reading this indicates you know it's important. But if you're like most people, you still grossly underestimate the powerful physiological effects your thoughts can have. For example, by simply thinking of biting into a juicy, yellow lemon you can make your mouth water. That's just a small example of how a thought can create chemical changes in the body.
The fact is that your thoughts greatly influence much more important things than saliva production. Science has shown that positive thoughts increase your white blood cell count which helps you fight infection and disease. In a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at the University of Wisconsin proved that people who practice positive thinking are better equipped to fight disease. In the study, a team of neuroscientists used electroencephalography to measure brain activity and then gave all the subjects flu shots. What they found is that positive thinking individuals had a significantly stronger immune response than those who exhibited more negative thought patterns. The bottom line: positive thinking can make you not only happier but healthier as well.